Weak and Wounded...

"As you live in close contact with Me, the Light of My Presence filters through you to bless others. Your weakness and woundedness are the openings through which the Light of the knowledge of My Glory shines forth. My strength and power show themselves most effective in your weakness." ~excerpt from Jesus Calling, January 23rd.

Wow...it's been a while since I posted anything. This above portion of the January 23rd Jesus Calling post reminded me of the type of year 2016 was for me. Weak and wounded... This post also helps me realize that I've come a loooong way. I'm still working out a few last emotions, but I have most certainly overcome the bulk of the hurts.

Let's see....
• I ended a relationship with a narcissist who pushed me into a wall (which resulted in a broken wrist).
• I healed from a broken wrist.
• My best friend and life long "big sis" of over 30 years ended our relationship without a clear explanation --- via an email message.
• Along with my "BFF sis" went my "big bro" (her husband) and my Goddaughter of 23 years, both who followed suite in no contact.
• My (now 18 year old) child was exercising her growth by ensuring *I* knew she was about to be an adult.
• A dear friend buried her beautiful 22-year old daughter because of a senseless car crash.

The common thread here was rejection and/or loss. My heart was heavy most of the year.

There were a variety of other situations that occurred, but combined they have all been enough to bring me to a level so deep I thought I'd never see the light again. It's funny, post a few pics of my ‘good’ days and most think I had a great year. But, I can honestly say I understand why people feel so lonely and alone and want to end their life. Thankfully, I'm too responsible [and chicken] for that, so instead I dreamt of my big escape...a getaway where I'd move to another country, change my name, and forever disappear. And then, there was God…

God used me in my brokenness to demonstrate effectiveness in HIS strength and power.  I...WAS...BROKEN.  -> Emotionally. -> Physically. -> Mentally. -> Spiritually. Yet, in the midst of the mire, God was there. He lifted me. He held me tight. And reminded me who I am to Him. He showed me where HE needed me and though many times numb, I obliged...and grew. Some examples include:
• To encourage a friend.
• To share my story and speak to other women who also experienced narcissistic relationships and needed to escape.
• To encourage others who's friends/family members had walked out on their relationship, too.
• To listen to those who also had challenges with their children. 
 To love on those in their mourning, since, I too had buried someone I loved dearly.
• To start a Bible study with a group of women who are seeking God in mighty ways.

AND each time, He was using all of it to mold me further. I finally realized it... =)

I can’t say I know what the next step will be, but I do know for certain that God was with me, has been with me and healing me, will continue to be with me and work in me, and has already gone before me because ultimately, it is for HIS glory. I'M SO GLAD I BROKE IN 2016!!!


#RejectionToRedemption #AshesToBeauty #ThankYouJesus

~God’s Chick

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” ~Deuteronomy 31:6


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