Putting myself on Time Out....
The foundation for Lent that was set before me as a child was very strict. The biggest things I remember was that I could not eat meat on Ash Wednesday and every Friday, and I had to ask for forgivness for my sins. This made no sense to me as a child, or even young adult. I mean, what did meat have to do with the crucifixion and the Easter bunny? Did the meat have something to do with Jesus dying on the cross, just like communion wafers and wine turned into the body and blood of Christ every Sunday? (What??!?!?) And what sins could I possibly have, after all I was a kid? I really don't recall ever having a proper explanation for Lent, or the reason for giving up meat (though as an adult I gladly give it up). Maybe I wasn't listening. Or maybe I just didn't know how to prepare to receive a sacrificial gift.
As I posted on my FB status today, "The traditional purpose of Lent is the penitential preparation of the believer—through prayer, penance, repentance, almsgiving, and self-denial." Another way to say it... "Fasting and abstinence gives Catholics an opportunity to slow down and draw nourishment from a different source. As acts of penance, fasting and abstinence help us acknowledge the sin in our lives. “When we fast and abstain we take attention away from ourselves,” [Remove the word "Catholics" and I believe this applies to us all.]
Attention away from ourselves? But the world says "it's all about me"? What do mean?!?! (asked in the whiney voice of a 13 year old).
Yes my dear child... Lent is a way to learn to be still and know that HE is God, (...and will be exalted among all nations and in the earth - Psalm 46:10), and rid ourselves of the foreign gods ... and commit ourselves to the LORD and serve him only... (1 Samuel 7:13) by serving others. It's a time to resist temptations, as Jesus did during the 40 days he spent in the wilderness (Luke 4:1-13). To repent, reflect, add some good behaviors and change some bad behaviors, even if it includes making a sacrifice to something that I really like in order to learn total dependence on God and to die to self. But what's it all about? Why do I have to do this? And why during this time?
Because selfishly, I want to experience more of God's peace. I want to be able to handle things in a much better way, rather than letting them consume me. I want to feel God's presence, and have the Holy Spirit available for me to call upon when I need him to show me how to respond. But the only way I can achieve this is to first learn about and accept the selfless act that Jesus did by dying on a cross for me. He did this for me... for me? What kind of love is that? Who does that? Why would someone do that? And after years of life experiences, delving into God's word often, and experiencing God's inner peace during some of the most critical times in my life, I finally get it. I need to "die to self". And what a perfect time than Lent, a 40 day period of reflection. A 40 day period, just like when Jesus was tempted in the wilderness. Because the time is NOW...
And so, as I also posted on FB, this year I'm focusing on "self-denial" as I believe I have once again allowed certain things to to consume valuable time. If you really know me, you know that not being on Facebook daily is like telling me to be quiet when everyone else is talking. Certainly not something that is easy for me (my family says I was born talking...). SO while on timeout I shall refocus and spend more time with God, and my loved ones. Draw "nourishment" in different ways, and give "nourishment" as well. Reconnect in "old skool" ways. And I dare you to reconnect with others (and me) in similar ways too. Send an email instead of forwarding someone else's forward, leave a voice mail or just call and say hi. Meet for coffee or tea, write and send a letter or card via the post office (I really like this one!), leave a gift at their front door. I suspect the discoveries will be much more valuable and eye opening. But only if you dare...
God's love...and mine!
~Chick ♥
P.S. Share your experiences with me via email!
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